Source code for

from backend.entities.session import Session
from import *
import subprocess

[docs] class SessionService: """ :class: `SessionService` - A service class to handle a `Session` :param session: a `Session` :type session: :class:`Session` :param base_path: path to the source folder where the recorded snippets are stored during the session; defaults to './Recordings' :type base_path: str """ def __init__(self, session: Session, base_path: str='./Recordings'): self.session = session self.base_path = base_path
[docs] def get_source_folder(self) -> str: return self.base_path
[docs] def start(self, vlc_path: str): """ Starts the VLC media player. :param vlc_path: path to the VLC executable :type vlc_path: str """ subprocess.Popen(vlc_path)
[docs] def set_destination_path(self) -> str: """ Sets the destination folder for the recordings. You have to define your desired order of the directories in this method. :return: path to the destination folder :rtype: str """ sub_dirs = [str(self.session.department), str(, str(] destination = construct_path(self.base_path, sub_dirs) return destination
[docs] def end(self) -> int: """ Organizes the recordings as desired in the intended destination. :return: the number of files successfully organized :rtype: int """ src, dest = self.base_path, self.set_destination_path() return organize_recorded_files(src, dest)