Source code for

This module defines the interface between the frontend and the backend for recording a session.

from frontend.utils import ui
from backend.entities import *
from import SessionService

[docs] def create_recording_session() -> Session: """ Creates a recording `Session` (for which a `Patient` is first created). 1. Get the details of the patient. - By default, you need to provide ID and Name. - Any other details you want to add, here's where you need to define those attributes. - Display the relevant text prompt and collect the corresponding information. - Eg. If you want to add information about the whereabouts of the patient: .. code-block:: python p_place = get_text_input('Place') patient = Patient(p_id, p_name, p_place) 2. Get the details of the session. - If you need the kind of info where the user must select from a list of options, you can use `select_option()`. - The template is `select_option(<field_name>, <field_options>)`. - Eg. If you want to add a field for the type of video being recorded: .. code-block:: python field_name = 'Video category' field_options = ['Surgery', 'Education', 'Testimonial'] selected_category = select_option(field_name, field_options) session = Session(patient, department=selected_dept, category=selected_category) """ p_id = ui.get_text_input('Patient ID') p_name = ui.get_text_input('Patient Name') patient = Patient(p_id, p_name) departments = ['Opthalmology', 'Urology', 'Cardiology'] selected_dept = ui.select_option('Select Department', departments) session = Session(patient, department=selected_dept) return session
[docs] def start_session(sessionService: SessionService, vlc_path: str): """ Starts a `Session` :param sessionService: a `SessionService` :type sessionService: :class:`SessionService` :param vlc_path: path to the VLC player executable :type vlc_path: str """ try: sessionService.start(vlc_path) ui.success('VLC opened successfully!') except FileNotFoundError as fe: ui.error(str(fe) + '\nPlease check the path.')
[docs] def end_session(sessionService: SessionService): """ Ends a `Session` :param sessionService: a `SessionService` :type sessionService: :class:`SessionService` """ try: n = sessionService.end() if n > 0: ui.success(f'Successfully organized {n} files from {sessionService.get_source_folder()}') else: ui.error(f'No files found in {sessionService.get_source_folder()}') except Exception as ex: ui.error('Error in moving the files\n' + str(ex))